Photography Packages

$225 - up to 1,200 sq/ft (interior & exterior)
You will receive 15-20 processed and color-corrected photos

$325 - up to 2,500 sq/ft (interior & exterior)
You will receive 25-30 processed and color-corrected photos

$450 - up to 5,000 sq/ft (interior & exterior)
You will receive 40-50 processed and color-corrected photos

Call or e-mail for estimate – 5,000+ sq/ft

Add $75 for properties over 35 miles from of San Francisco, for travel time & gas.

Additional Services

$100 - Twilight photographs (exterior only)
You will receive 5-10 processed and color-corrected photos

$200 - Twilight photographs (interior and exterior)
You will receive 10-20 processed and color-corrected photos

How long does the whole process take?
A typical photo shoot will take about 1-2 hours, depending on the square footage of your home or business.
Processing and editing your photos will take about 24-48 hours, depending on the number of shots taken.
The photos are delivered to you via the web, immediately afterward.
What can I use the photos for?
You will receive two sets of the photographs: a large file for newspaper or magazine print advertising (up to 8x10 inches);
and, a web-friendly size for online marketing, your website, or e-mailing.

You are allowed to use the photographs for any and all purposes, related to advertising & displaying your property.
However, the copyright of all photographs remain the sole property of

What should I do to be ready on the day of the shoot?

Have the house cleaned and picked up prior to the shoot.

Clear off kitchen and bathroom countertops.

Remove photos and clutter from refrigerator.

Remove as much clutter and/or excessive furniture as possible.

Make all beds and pick up bedrooms, make sure all clothes are out of sight.

Open blinds and curtains and turn on all interior lights.

Turn off all ceiling fans and televisions.

Remove piles of newspapers and magazines.

Put all indoor trash cans out of view.

Have landscaping done prior to the shoot.

Sweep driveways, sidewalks, and patios.

Exterior areas should be clear of toys and clutter.

Remove hoses and garden tools.

Move garbage cans so the cannot be seen from the street.

Remove vehicles from the driveway and the front of the house.

© Barry Pett 2012